California Indian Environmental Alliance
To protect and restore California Indian peoples’ cultural traditions, ancestral territories, means of subsistence and environmental health.

Mercury Tribal Health
CIEA shares information from published medical journals and state issued local fish consumption advisories.
Fish are a healthy subsistence food that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Unfortunately, both wild-caught and store-bought fish can contain mercury, PCBs and/or other chemical contaminates. Eating fish high in mercury can cause permanent learning disabilities in a developing fetus when exposed through pregnant mothers. For those exposed in the womb or while young it can also increase the risk of developing heart conditions or type 2 diabetes later in life.
Tribal Self-Advocacy
CIEA provides support for Tribal leadership and Tribal staff to advocate for the benefit of their own people. This support includes providing, capacity-building, strategic planning, trainings and outreach to increase Tribal self-advocacy in support of self-determination. We complete these activities in partnership with California Tribes with Tribal members and Tribal leadership guiding our programs and projects.

CIEA’s Native Youth Environmental Leadership Program (NYELP) provides students and community members with valuable experience to address environmental toxins affecting Native communities and pathways to academic success. Through the program, we encourage participants to explore careers in the environmental sciences, health sciences, public policy and environmental law fields.