Monthly Newsletter
The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) is inviting you to join a conversation about the State Water Board’s Racial Equity Action Plan to help ensure it matches the assets and opportunities in your community. Community input was so important during development of the State Water Board’s Racial Equity Resolution, rs2021-0050 (, and we intend to honor your contributions as we continue our racial equity journey.
In May, community partners and State Water Board management and staff came together for Visioning and Strategy retreats, as well as a series of Action Planning workshops. The draft Racial Equity Action Plan will set goals for the State Water Board to address racial inequities and identify metrics to measure progress.
We are inviting you to provide input on the Racial Equity Action Plan through a series of public engagement workshops across the state. During each session, we also will inform communities about the Water Boards’ progress since the Racial Equity Resolution was adopted. We encourage you to share this invitation with others in your community.
Here are the ways that you and your community can provide feedback:
Statewide Virtual Workshop
July 20, 2022. 5:30-7:30 PM. Zoom.
Regional In Person and Virtual Workshops
Northern California (Redding, CA): July 21, 2022. 4 – 6:30 PM.
Southern California (Mecca, CA): July 25, 2022. 4 – 6:30 PM.
Central California (Visalia, CA): July 27, 2022. 4 – 6:30 PM.
To Register, and for agendas and background materials, visit
We approach this process with humility and acknowledge that we have a long journey ahead. Our vision is to co-create a sustainable California where race no longer predicts where clean water is available or who has access to it, and a Water Boards where employees represent the diverse experiences of California communities. We cannot get there without deepening our understanding of community assets and working collaboratively with you. We hope you can join us for a discussion of the Racial Equity Action Plan. We need your voice!
Public Notice – Racial Equity (
Feel free to reach out to with any questions.
Your community to connect with colleagues across the country
as we address Tribal waste and response issues.
This year we’ll meet in-person in Milwaukee and online everywhere.
To register or for more information, please hit the read more button below to be redirected to the TLEF website.
The Rising Voices Center for Indigenous and Earth Sciences (Rising Voices) facilitates opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous scientific experts and community leaders from around the world to jointly address how extreme weather and climate events are impacting communities and to develop action plans. Rising Voices aspires to advance science through the collaborations of Indigenous and Earth (atmospheric, social, biological, ecological) sciences, along with an intercultural approach to addressing and understanding extreme weather events.
For more information, please hit the read more button below.
This webpage includes:
Progress updates from each Region, Division, and Office regarding Tribal Beneficial Uses
Contact information for each Region, Division, and Office
A list of the regulatory process steps involved to protect water quality for Tribal Beneficial Uses
What are Tribal Beneficial Uses?
Tribal Beneficial Uses (TBU) are a group of beneficial uses that can help protect water quality for activities specific to Native American cultures and their uses of California waters, including the consumption of non-commercial fish or shellfish. TBU are sometimes referred to as cultural uses of water.
Regional Water Board
How to Get Involved
Region 1
North Coast
Submit support letter to adopt Tribal Beneficial Uses definitions
Contact for more information:
Cody Walker
(707) 576-2642
Region 2
San Francisco Bay
Send a letter to Sami Harper with interest
Contact for more information:
Sami Harper
(510) 622-2415
Region 3
Central Coast
Submit support letter to prioritize Tribal Beneficial Uses in the Triennial Review
Contact for more information:
Angela Schroeter
(805) 542-4644
Region 4
Los Angeles
Contact Susana Lagudis for more information
Contact for more information:
Susana Lagudis
(213) 576-6694
Region 5
Central Valley
Attend State Water Board meeting to add Tribal Beneficial Uses definitions on September 7
Submit letters to request Tribal Beneficial Uses designations
Contact for more information:
Adriana Ross
(559) 455-5576
Region 6
Attend Tribal Summit
Contact for more information:
Danny McClure
(530) 542-5443
Region 7
Colorado River Basin
Submit support letter to adopt Tribal Beneficial Uses definitions
Contact for more information:
Maria Davydova-Flores
(760) 776-8947
Region 8
Santa Ana
Submit support letter to adopt Tribal Beneficial Uses definitions
Contact for more information:
Claudia Tenorio
(951) 782-4963
Region 9
San Diego
Fill out survey by July 15 to provide contact information and share your preferences on receiving information from the San Diego Water Board (Region 9):
Submit support letter to designate waterbodies with Tribal Beneficial Uses
Contact for more information:
Melissa Corona
(619) 521-8039
State Water Board
Division of Water Quality
Submit support letter to adopt Tribal Beneficial Uses definitions
Contact for more information:
Taran Sahota
(916) 327-8679
Please contact with any questions.
State Water Board Tribal Affairs Team |
(916) 216-1126 |
Berkeley, CA 94702