Monthly Newsletter
Please join the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, California Energy Commission, and California Natural Resources Agency for tribal sessions on California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment’s Tribal Research Grant Draft Guidelines.
· Session 1: Wednesday, November 9th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
· Session 2: Tuesday, November 1st, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
The info presented at both sessions will be the same. We have received input from tribes through listening sessions, consultations, and meetings since July 22 and are excited to share draft concepts for additional feedback. We will present on Draft Guidelines for the Tribal Research Grant Program, updates on Fifth Assessment’s Tribal Research Program and provide time for questions, input, and suggestions from attendees.
Once draft guidelines are released, we will accept comments on the draft guidelines for 60 days, aiming to release final grant solicitation in the beginning of 2023.
California’s Fifth Assessment Tribal Research Team looks forward to building relationships and collaborating with California tribes to support tribal-led research in the Fifth Assessment and ensure that projects advance tribes’ goals and priorities around climate change, energy, and resilience.
To register here are the links for session 1:
and session 2:
The State of California has made an unprecedented investment in the resilience and accessibility of the coast. As a result, the Coastal Conservancy has significant funding available to:
non-profit organizations,
public agencies, and
federally-recognized tribes
for projects that benefit public access, natural resources, working lands, and climate resiliency at the coast, coastal watersheds, and the San Francisco Bay.
We anticipate that most of this funding will be allocated through the ongoing pre-proposal process described below.
The Conservancy will fund most stages of a project including: pre-project feasibility studies, property acquisition, project planning including community involvement, design, environmental review, permitting, construction, and project-related monitoring. We do not fund operation and maintenance activities.
We will host a webinar on November 9 at 11:00 on Conservancy funding and how to apply for our grants. A recording of the webinar will be posted here.
Topic: SCC Grant Webinar
Time: Nov 9, 2022 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 895 6705 1339
Passcode: 936315
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,89567051339#,,,,*936315# US (San Jose)
Date: Nov 10, 2022
Time: 10:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Dial by your location: +1 669 444 9171 US or +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Or, find your local number:
Meeting ID: 896 0846 2500
Passcode: 080077
This Tribal meeting on November 10, 2022 will assist us in shaping Tribal engagement and the Project itself. Members of the Salmon Recovery Planning Team will join us for the first hour to and share the ‘values’ collected and how these will be used to develop the draft Salmon Recovery plan, provide the next steps, and to include an overview of the upcoming November and December meetings (see dates below). They will stay with us to answer questions and to receive feedback. The second half of this meeting will be a Tribal only discussion on:
1) Whether or not the presented values are reflective of Tribal perspectives, and gather what should be added before they continue.
2) How Tribes want to be represented in two Salmonid workgroups. The first ‘Science Advisory Team’ meeting is on November 18, 2022 information on it will be sent separately. The second is not yet scheduled.
3) How Tribes want us to structure a Tribal workgroup, what funding is available to support Tribal engagement, and how these funds should be distributed to regional Tribes.
Please also Save the Date for the following upcoming meetings:
Salmonid Reorienting to Recovery Project Meetings
· Day 1 (12/1, 10am-2pm) – Initial baseline and reference scenarios (based on current and planned projects in the Central Valley)
· Day 2 (12/6, 12-4pm) – A straw proposal for modeling the values we’ve collected from you
· Day 3 (12/12, 11am-3pm) – Model sensitivity and next steps for the structured decision-making process
Science Advisory Team – November 18, 2022 at 10am-Noon
Information about these meetings will be sent separately.
Attached are related documents we will discuss these during the November 10, 2022 meeting. Note these also include attachments we previously sent along with the poll used to identify this meeting date – we have left it here so you will have all this information in one place.
We are also sending this same information a calendar invite. We are sending the agenda with an event reminder next week. We hope you can join us in November!
Berkeley, CA 94702